Category Events 21-22


The Abrahamic House, in coordination with the German Embassy in Washington, D.C., hosted a virtual short film screening and discussion with Ms. Anke Popper on International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Over 75 years after the end of the Second World War,…

Interfaith Perspectives on Ecology

Abrahamic House held a virtual gathering to explore what various faith traditions teach about humanity’s responsibility to care for creation. Inspired by Scriptural Reasoning, a method of comparing texts on a common theme found within different Holy Books, we compared…

Birth and Teachings of Jesus

Around Christmas, the time of Jesus’ birth, Abrahamic House hosted a gathering to explore the story of the birth and teachings of Jesus from both Muslim and Christian perspectives. We heard from Dr. Zeki Saritoprak, author of “Islam’s Jesus”, and Fr. Thomas Bonacci from the Interfaith Peace…

Kurdish Flag Day Celebration

Thank you for joining us on Kurdish Flag Day as we celebrated the cultural heritage of our fellow, Haima. This event was hosted in partnership with the American Kurdish Information Network (AKIN) and included informational sessions followed by Kurdish music, dancing, and food. 

Channukah Party

We hosted a low-key Channukah party in celebration of the 7th night of Channukah! We lit candles, did a quick Havdallah (celebration of the ending of Shabbat), and ate sufganiyot.


We hosted our first Shabbat dinner! Shabbat is the Jewish day of rest, but it is also a day to sing, gather with friends and family, and eat good food. We invited guests to wear what they would to visit…

Known but to God

For our first event of the 2021-2022 fellowship, we invited Dr. Jonathan Ebel to give us a virtual talk on Veterans Day to discuss the role of religion and the memory of American soldiers. Dr. Ebel is a Guggenheim Fellow…