Category Events 24-25

Día de Muertos

Día de Muertos is an indigenous Mexica holiday that is practiced across Mexico to honor our loved ones who have died. Traditionally, during Día de Muertos we build an altar, or ofrenda, complete with pictures of our loved ones, cempasúchil (marigold)…

Herb Planting For Sukkot

Guests joined our fellows for herb planting and pot decoration for a belated Sukkot celebration! Sukkot, a Hebrew word meaning booths or huts, refers to the Jewish festival of giving thanks for the fall harvest. Ellen explained a little bit…

2024 Fellows Housewarming

The 2024 Abrahamic House Fellows invited guests for a housewarming to kick of their programming. They used this function as a chance to both introduce themselves to the community and also to invite community members to tell them what they…