Fasting Insights and Lenten Fish Fry Convo Club
Our fellows hosted guests for another Shabbat Conversation Club – where they gather for a meal to discuss issues that matter.
This month, they attended a community traditional Friday parish Fish Fry held at a St. James Church in Capitol Hill.
Lent is a 40-day period of preparation for Easter, during which many Christians practice self-control through various types of fasting, including not eating meat on Fridays. Fasting is also common across different faiths, such as the Jewish Yom Kippur, the Muslim Ramadan and the Baháʼí Nineteen Day Fast.
The participants represented six different faith traditions, Protestant, Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Baháʼí, Jewish, and Muslim. They shared meaningful insights on fasting’s role in their spirituality, the similarity of their approaches, and the differences.